Before your scan

You will be advised when making your appointment the approximate duration of your scan and specific preparation. Most scans take between 30 – 45 minutes. Please inform your MRI technologist if you have any devices or implants in your body i.e., pacemakers, cochlear implants etc as some implants may not be safe for a MRI.

You will be asked to change into a gown and remove any metallic objects including watches, jewellery, hair clips.

Please let our know if you are or think you could be pregnant.

During your scan

The MRI scanner can be described as a donut shaped machine. The body part being scanned is placed in the centre of the MRI scanner. The MRI scanner makes a continuous loud knocking sound while scanning. You will be provided with headphones and earplugs to reduce any discomfort from the noise.  You will also be given a buzzer to contact our MRI technologist at any time, please be reassured our staff can hear and see you the whole time.

During the scan, it is vital you keep still. If you suffer from claustrophobia or have difficulty lying flat, please discuss this with us beforehand.

In some cases, contrast may be required to obtain a clearer picture. This is injected into a vein in your hand or arm. If contrast is required, you will be informed and asked to sign a consent form prior to the scan.

After your scan

After the scan, the MRI tech may check with the radiologist to find out whether more images are required. You can resume normal activities after your scan. Your images are then examined and interpreted by a radiologist and their report is sent to your specialist in a timely manner.


How long will my appointment take?

MRI appointments usually last between 30-45 minutes of scanning time.  You will need to allow time for travel, checking in, getting changed into a patient gown so we recommend adding a ½ hrs to your appointment time from when you would be ready to get back to your usual activities or commitments.

Are there any food or dietary restrictions required for a scan?

Depending on your MRI exam, you may require to be fasting prior to this.  Our friendly booking team will advise you of your preparation instructions and usual medications can be taken with water prior to the examination.

Can I feel anything when the scan occurs?

MRI’s are generally painless and patients don’t experience much feeling or sensation during the scan.  Occasionally, if you have tattoos or metalware, you can experience a warming sensation on these areas but this is experienced by a very small subset of patients.

Are there any size or weight restrictions with a MRI scan?

Our MRI scanner can accommodate up to 220 kgs.  If you are over 200 kgs, please let our booking staff know at the time of your appointment.